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Delilah Dirk and the Pillars of Hercules



Here, now, is Delilah Dirk: Book Three, presented in serialized format. Each month, one new chapter of the story will be added. So we will continue until August 7th, when the complete book will be released for sale and available for purchase wherever books are sold. After the first hundred pages or so, the remaining one-hundred-and-forty will only be available in the book.

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If you end up liking The Pillars of Hercules, please share it with your friends, loved ones, and those with whom you have a bitter, unending rivalry. I won't pretend that it will resolve generations-old blood feuds, but if you've already tried everything else, hey, it couldn't hurt.


- Tony Cliff

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All contents are copyright 2015-2018 Tony Cliff. Please don't steal my stuff. And if you have to, at least give credit where it's due.