Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant

by Tony Cliff

A tale of adventure and action told in illustrated fashion, now available as a beautifully-printed bound edition from all respectable book-sellers. Read the first two chapters of the book online for free!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Very few websites reveal exactly how many times a question must be asked before it is considered “Frequently Asked”. Not here. I’m happy to reveal that the same question must be asked by seventeen distinct individuals before I will consider it “Frequently Asked” and thus worthy of answering. Additionally, I will only consider a question repeated if is phrased in exactly the same way. So, for example, “did you draw this with your feet?” and “isn’t it hard to draw with your feet?” are two different questions, and neither would count towards the having-been-asked of the other.

So, go ahead and ask me some questions. You can email me directly (how 1992, right?), hit me up on Twitter, or leave questions on the DD Facebook page!

When can I read Delilah Dirk on paper, in a book?


Sooner if you can read French. A two-volume bande-dessinee-style hardcover edition of Delilah Dirk et le Lieutenant Turc will be published by Akileos in parts of Europe and French-speaking Canada. The first volume will be available in October, 2011 (the entire Turkish Lieutenant story is being split into two volumes for the BD format). If you regularly buy BD, your shop will likely carry DD. I’m sure you’ll be able to order it over the internet, too, or get it through specialty shops.

If you’d prefer another language, there will be a bit more of a wait. There will be an English edition at some point. As of this writing (September 2011), I cannot say how far away the English version will be. I’m not able to make a similar promise for other languages. We shall have to wait and see.

In the meantime, the comic will continue to update here, in English, until the conclusion of the story.

Have you been to Turkey? Your research is excellent and/or you got this thing wrong!

I have never been to Turkey, so it is a special source of delight when people tell me I have managed to capture the look and feel of the setting. At the beginning of the project (what is now “Chapter 1″), my research consisted primarily of small scans of drawings or prints made by Western European artists visiting Turkey in the mid-1800s. Since then I’ve tried to bolster my resources with further reading, more detailed illustrations from both Western and Native artists, and from contemporary photographs of the area.

Due to a variety of factors, though, I’m bound to get some stuff wrong. One example would be the tea cups. They’re wrong for Turkey in that time period, I’ve been told. If you’re reading the comic and discover something you know to be culturally inaccurate, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I am unlikely to dip back into the pages to correct small issues, but any help or insight will be incorporated into the next story.

Additionally, if you know of any resources that would help me get a fuller picture of Turkey and Europe in the early 1800s or any of the related cultures, attitudes, practices and so forth, please point me in the right direction!

Are you available for hire?

I am, though I’ve had to cut back on really heavy lifting due to back issues. Do not despair, though – I’m happy to recommend several other good companies that will help move your furniture.

All contents are copyright 2010-2011 Tony Cliff. Please don't steal my stuff. And if you have to, at least give credit where it's due.